Witness the heartwarming transformation of a kitten whose eyes bulged out of its sockets after being abused by its owner

UNITED KINGDOM – A stray cat was sadly left with both eyes bulging out of their sockets after suffering a serious head injury.

The 12-week-old kitty, who has since been named Rupert by his rescuers, was found in agony wandering the street in Derby earlier this month.

Vets revealed that it is believed a severe head injury may have caused his eyes to pop out (Picture: NTI)


After a complete examination, a vet revealed that it is believed a severe head injury may have caused his eyes to pop out.

Despite their very best efforts, they added that the little kitten will need both eyes removed.

Earlier this week, the RSPCA put out an appeal in a bid to try and raise £1,000, ($1,318), to pay for the operation and fund ongoing care.

So far, more than that original goal has been donated.

Kerry Draper, who runs a rehoming centre, stated: ‘Sadly, it’s unclear how Rupert sustained such injuries but it was immediately obvious that he needed specialist care to provide him with any chance of recovery.

The 12-week-old cat, called Rupert by rescuers, was found in agony wandering the street (Picture: NTI)


‘Despite our efforts, we believe Rupert will lose his sight, the prognosis to save it just isn’t positive.

‘We are appealing to the public to help us raise funds for his rehabilitation so that he can continue life in a loving home with a family that will take special care of him.

‘Whilst in our care Rupert has received pain relief, a secure shelter and nutritious kitten meals to provide the energy to keep fighting – but there’s a long road ahead for him.

Rupert will lose both of his eyes (Picture: NTI)


‘He requires an operation to alleviate the pressure, which we’re sure will result in him losing both eyes.

‘He’ll need antibiotics to fight any infection, ongoing pain relief and specialist foods to help him build up strength.

‘Currently our team are providing Rupert with the affection and encouragement this young kitten so desperately deserves.

‘The cost of Rupert’s care is likely to reach in the region of £1,000, which is a large sum of money for us.

‘Every penny raised in this appeal will go directly to Rupert’s care and those we receive just like him.”

We here at The Best Cat Page are wishing Rupert the very best on his road to recovery!

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