What a remarkable story about “Coal”! Despite his house being reduced to ashes and debris, the cat stayed by his side, patiently waiting for their owners to return

The California wildfires have caused a lot of grief. The fire destroyed everything in its path – houses, garages, gardens, playgrounds. The town of San Marcos turned into a pile of ashes, people were urgently evacuated and were able to take only a minimum of things with them …

The girl’s friend Steph turned to her for help. It was scary and hard for a friend to drive alone after a fire to her house, which was located on the main street of San Marcos.

The girls arrived at the address and did not even immediately understand what had happened and where the house had gone. In its place was a mountain of charred debris, ashes, partially burnt things, furniture, building parts.


Steph was recovering from shock and wandering around the site, when she suddenly caught a barely audible: “Meow”.

At first she thought she heard it, but then she saw “something” hobbling towards her.

“Something” turned out to be a cat that was very badly burned. A terrible smell of burning came from him, his eyes were swollen from heat and smoke, watery and did not open completely, his hair turned into a lump of ash, and his ears were half burned and two burnt pieces stuck out instead of them.


However, the cat walked up to Steph and meowed plaintively. They looked at each other for a long time, then the girl came to her senses, picked up the “coal”, called her friend and together they went to the Animal Care Center.


The cat behaved very calmly in the car, he somehow nestled in Steph’s arms and after a few minutes began to … purr!


The girls were surprised by the ability of the animal to endure pain and express gratitude.


The veterinarian examined the cat. Luckily, things didn’t turn out so bad. All the burnt wool was cut off, the skin was smeared with ointment, the eyes were washed with a special solution, and bandages were applied to the body and paws.

Murlyka behaved peacefully and calmly endured all the procedures, after which he fell asleep soundly.


Steph and her friend understood that the victim was a pet, and decided to find his owners. They again arrived at the scene of the fire and saw an elderly couple near the house of a friend. They looked at their burnt yard and discussed something.

The girls approached these people and asked if they had a cat. The woman replied:

“ Yes! More precisely, it was. It was necessary to leave urgently, the fire was already close. I looked everywhere for him, but he never responded. The poor man must have been very frightened… ” – she could not speak further, tears came to her eyes.

Steph showed them a photo of the found cat, the woman exclaimed, hugged the girls, and then completely fell to her knees and burst into tears. Her husband also did not hold back his emotions.

And how can they stay here if Marley has been their pet for more than 10 years! He was considered a true member of the family, and for a couple, the loss of a home and a beloved cat was a real tragedy.

Therefore, their happiness knew no bounds. They immediately went to the clinic to pick up their pet. At that moment, they were not interested in either the burnt house, or the upcoming financial difficulties, or the lack of a place to live. Their cat was alive!

Now the owners of Marley know that they will overcome any difficulties – after all, the whole family is together! Now you can take small steps forward…

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