Twin kittens, deeply bonded, find their forever home together, refusing to be separated, spreading double the love and joy.

Jace and Jackie haven’t always had an easy life, but they’ve always had each other.

The two kittens and their other siblings lost their mother as newborns, and for a while, they all had to fight to survive.

Though they were in excellent hands, having been rescued by the Animal Welfare League of Arlington, their young age meant that they needed round the clock care in order to live, grow, and thrive.

Of all the kittens, Jace and Jackie were the ones who needed the most help. The two nearly identical kittens were very small and it was soon clear that they needed special care and attention.

Lauren Strycula, a foster volunteer, brought the two kittens home with her and worked ’round the clock to make sure they had everything they needed.

Jace initially found it difficult to understand how to drink from a bottle, but with Stryculas help he eventually figured it out.

Although Jace and Jackie were incredibly small and weak when they first came home with Strycula, and althought they struggled with several health issues, they never had to feel scared or alone.

As long as they had each other to cling to, the siblings could get through anything.

After a while, the kittens’ health began improving and they grew stronger and happier with each day.

As their appetites increased, so did their weight and energy levels.

With a bit of love, care and medicine, the kittens went from tiny and ailing newborns to bright and adventurous youngsters.

Jace and Jackie began exploring the world together and learned how to walk, eat from a bowl, and use the litter box.

They always kept close to each other and knew that there was nothing they couldn’t do as long as they did it together.

As they grew, it became apparent that even though they looked nearly identical, their personalities were far from similar.

Jackie proved to be a sweet and serene little girl, while Jace loved getting into trouble and pulling pranks.

But even though they were so different, they still loved each other more than anyone and anything else in the whole wide world.

They couldn’t imagine a life without their second half, and thankfully, Strycula knew that there was no way she was ever going to force them apart.

She had to find a family who would be willing to adopt both siblings.

Luckily, that didn’t turn out to be a problem.

When the time came for Jace and Jackie to find their forever family, a couple contacted the rescue and asked if they could adopt the siblings.

Alexandra and Bryan had spotted Jace and Jackie on Instagram, and they’d immediately felt as if they were meant to adopt them.

Though it was bittersweet to say goodbye to the kittens she’d grown to love so deeply, Strycula was happy to see Jace and Jackie join such a loving family.

Jace and Jackie were thrilled to start the next chapter in their life and happily adopted their new names: Whiskey (Jace) and Pippa (Jackie).

They quickly fell in love with their new home and family, and in an interview with Love Meow, Alexandra revealed that the adorable duo is still inseparable and the siblings do absolutely everything together. Whether they’re sleeping, eating, playing, cuddling or exploring, you can always find them right next to each other.

The cuddly and affectionate pair spread love wherever they go, and it’s clear that they’re finally exactly where they belong.


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