This utterly lovable feline adamantly refuses to surrender to sleep unless nestled close to their cherished human, revealing the profound depth of their attachment and affection.

A lot of us have our own night routines. They help send a signal to our brains to tell them know that it is time to start winding down. Sometimes there are certain things you have to do in order to have a good night’s sleep, whether that is setting up a white noise machine, doing a relaxing skincare routine, or turning off your phone.

Sir Meowsalot, also known as Meowser, is cat with a very special and very cute way of getting to sleep: cuddling with his best buddy, Noah Crow.

Noah, who begged for a cat for pretty much his whole life, finally got Meowser as a Christmas gift when the little kitten was only two months old. As soon as the two met, they both fell head-over-heels in love with each other ever since.

It has been history ever since.

Cats may have a bad reputation for being too independent or even standoffish with their owners, but Meowser was a different breed in that case. Conversely, the kitten was absolutely obsessed with Noah. They did everything together.

Despite the idea that cats and humans could never be that great of friends, Noah’s mom, Ashley Crow, saw they were best friends. She was surprised by this but of course, she was glad to see her son so happy.

“There was an immediate connection with my son Noah and Meowser,” Ashley told The Dodo. “They were inseparable.” “Meowser greets him with chips, purrs and meows every morning and every time he comes in the door,” Ashley said. “They play everything together like dress-up to hide-and-seek to riding on Noah’s skateboard and Hot Wheels with him.”

Meowser is older now, but nothing else has changed. The two still can’t get enough of each other and are constantly showing one another a lot of love.

For those who aren’t too familiar with cats — a cat meowing at a human is a great sign. It is one of their behaviors that means that they really like you and are saying hello! It is clear that Noah understands these signs from Meowser, and that is probably also why they seem to get along so well. Wherever Noah goes, Meowser goes — and vice versa.

“They have such an uncommon bond and have had it from day one. One thing is for sure, when Noah lays down, Sir Meowsalot lays down on top of him. If you ask Noah who his favorite person in the world is, he will always answer with Sir Meowsalot because he’s more than just a cat,” Ashley added.

The two have so many great memories together (sleeping, riding bikes, playing and more) and luckily, Ashley has documented a lot of them. There are tons of adorable photos of Noah and Meowser, the cuteness is almost overwhelming.

The photos are so overwhelmingly adorable, the rest of the Internet can’t seem to get enough of this perfect pair!

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