The poor cat was found in a box with injuries all over its body. It seemed like it didn’t want to leave the box because it was too weak

The story of this cat began in December last year. The poor man was found in a cardboard box near the veterinary clinic. What happened to the animal is unknown, but his condition was critical.

The cat was very dirty and smelled of rot. The animal felt so bad that it did not even try to get out of the box.


Fortunately, the veterinarians went to meet the volunteers and agreed to shelter the poor fellow for the night. The state of the animal turned out to be so neglected that it was extremely difficult to understand the reasons.

The next morning, the doctors did all the necessary tests and performed an ultrasound examination. It turned out that the cat had very serious problems with the kidneys and liver. Veterinarians call this condition “more dead than alive.”

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The chances of life were minimal, but the doctors decided to fight. All expenses were covered by volunteers, but the treatment cost a lot. Then there were daily droppers and injections. This went on for about a month.

The cat’s condition either improved or worsened, but the struggle did not stop. And not in vain – the poor fellow suddenly felt better! Soon he was even released for home overexposure.

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Volunteers gave the pet the name Moskvich, in honor of the street where he was found. The cat was confidently on the mend, but the clinic became his second home, because it was impossible to interrupt the treatment.

Now Moskvich feels well, but problems with the kidneys and liver remain. Unfortunately, this is already chronic, so volunteers are forced to closely monitor the condition of the ward!

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So far, Moskvich eats exclusively special medical food and undergoes regular examinations, but the main thing is that he is alive and feels good!

“The cat was in a terrible state, to be honest – we did not give him even a 5% chance that he would live … But miracles happen!” volunteers shared.

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The story of Moskvich is another proof that there are no hopeless situations!

You always need to fight, and then luck will certainly look in your window.)


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