The life of the stray cat completely changed when it was adopted, but it had to undergo an amputation of one of its legs

A few days ago, the volunteers of Cat Shelter Meow paws from Macedonia contacted about an injured cat, with a big trauma on the front leg. The cat lived on the street and was very wild. It was an old injury. They asked them to catch her and bring her to them, since they know her and are the only ones who can approach her. When they sent them the photos, they were shocked, they knew that this cat should have been caught as soon as possible. So finally, a few days after they noticed her, she was caught and brought to the veterinary clinic.

They couldn’t even imagine what happened to him, but the smell coming from his leg is something that will stay with them for a long time, as well as that look in his eyes, scared, tired, painful, full of disappointment.

They found out that he had been in that condition for more than 2 weeks on the street. And the results of the blood analysis showed it. His white blood cells were not even elevated, which means that his body was “accustomed” to the injury, and the time of infection (when the body fights bacteria) was long past.

The red blood cells were low, very low. He was extremely anemic. The volunteers knew that they did not have much choice and that they could choose – amputation or slow death. The operation was necessary because if he had stayed in that condition for a while, he probably wouldn’t have survived.

That’s why they decided to take that step. The leg was removed, he was also castrated under the same anesthesia and FIV/FELV tests were done, which fortunately were negative. “Our sweet three-legged boy, it is very critical after the amputation. Now we will wait. We will wait and see if he is strong enough to wake up and accept his new life without pain. After the operation, he was in a deep sleep, unable to wake up properly from anesthesia,” they wrote.

All they have to do is wait… And hope for the best. On Wednesday, May 31, they announced that the beautiful boy woke up and started eating. “We really hope that his little body can overcome this. We already told him, the whole empire is waiting for him, so he really needs to fight”, they stated.

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