The heartwarming story of a mother cat who sees a baby opossum as her own and the two form an unbreakable bond

Blanquis, by her nickname, was saved by her mistress when she was a kitten a few days old. It seems that the young lady also wanted to help a baby in return. A huge surprise for its owners under the spell of its maternal instinct.

Yessica Rodriguez resides in Altamira , Mexico . One day, she discovered a newborn kitten on the side of the road. His mother and siblings could not be found.

The Good Samaritan then took her under her wing and raised her on a bottle . Blanquis developed a very special character while growing up. In fact, she shows extraordinary attention and gentleness towards her loved ones.

One Friday morning, as she was getting ready to leave for work, Yessica was stopped by her husband. ” Come see ! Our cat has a baby on her back! he exclaimed. Yessica couldn’t believe what she was hearing and so went out to make sure.

A baby opossum clinging to its fur

During his daily walk, Blanquis had made an unusual encounter and had decided to help this helpless little being. It was a newly born baby opossum who was obviously an orphan.

“I knew their mom wears them that way,” 

By instinct, he had taken refuge in the warm fur of his surrogate mother who took him home to take care of him.

Yessica was touched that her cat was grooming the opossum and reassuring him with her warm meows .

The woman immediately contacted an association specializing in the rescue of wild animals. Which gave him the first indications to feed the little one before an agent could move.

“Blanquis is not able to feed it herself, but she adores it as if it were her own ,” confided his mistress.

The young mother took her role very seriously. After a few days, the baby left in the hands of an expert to be pampered without being socialized so that he could return to his natural living environment as an adult.

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