The curious kitten got stuck in an iron pipe and was fortunately rescued by the photographer who heard its faint cries

Just like human babies, kittens are just curious about everything. However, because of their curiosity, they tend to get themselves into the most unfortunate situations. One example is this stray kitty cat getting himself stuck in an iron pipe.

This Man Was Filming Around An Abandoned Area When He Suddenly Heard A Cry.

Walking around with a camera, this man happened to pass by an area nearby some abandoned houses. As he walked on the pavement, he noticed a bunch of rusted equipment just lying on top of the dry grass and wooden branches. In the mess, he heard a little cry and saw a little figure that looked like it was struggling.

When he went to take a closer look, the man saw a piteous sight of a little kitten stuck in a metal pipe. The kitten had its head and right leg sticking out at the other end of the metal ring, and the kitten could not help but cry and hope that someone would come and save him.

Just At The Right Place And The Right Time.

The kitten could not possibly get himself out with his knee joint blocking the only way out. Luckily, this man was there to help him. The man looked around first to see if there is something that could be of use to get the kitten unstuck.

Unfortunately, there seemed nothing to be something that could help him. However, the man did not lose hope. He attempted to save the kitten by pushing its leg back in the tight tube first. It was hard, and you could see how the kitten was struggling in pain.

The Man Found The Mom While He Rescues His Kitten.

Without losing hope, the man kept pushing until he finally got the knee part in. The only thing left to do was to push or pull the ring off the kitten’s head. The kitten was quivering and it seemed he has no energy left to struggle.

The man continued to push the pipe off gently while petting the poor cat for some reassurance. He found another cat in the distance that could be the kitten’s mom.

It took some time but after a few attempts, he successfully removed the metal from the kitten. With a sigh of relief, he slowly walked away hoping that the kitten would reunite with his mom.

The Rescuer Did Not Expect To See The Kitten’s Reaction.

Freedom at last for the stuck kitten. The man picked the kitten up and placed him just near the place where he saw the other cat. However, instead of running back to the mother, the kitten followed his rescuer as the man slowly walked away from the scene.

The man even tried running backward, but the kitten continued to run after him. Not knowing what else to do, the man picked up the kitten for the last time to shower him with affection.

It Was Probably The Kitten’s Way Of Thanking His Rescuer.

The kitten may have felt how much effort his rescuer poured into getting him out of the unfortunate situation. Even though his mom was nearby, he chose to run after the man to show his gratitude for saving him. Hopefully, the kitten was able to reunite with his mom after that sweet, heart-melting moment.

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