The cat’s health deteriorated as days passed without any care, and also because it missed its owner dearly

Meet Eliseu! He remained loyal, missing his previous owner who had moved away. As months passed, Eliseu’s health deteriorated due to his longing for his owner.

Exhaustion consumed him, leaving him frail like a withered leaf. Eliseu’s condition worsened, and he found himself on the brink. Weak and feeble, he lacked the strength to call for help, yet he fought valiantly, refusing to give up.

Weighing a mere 2 kg, Eliseu was severely anemic and in need of a blood transfusion. We stayed by his side throughout the night, praying for this little soul. Despite his hunger and fatigue, Eliseu continued to persevere, monitoring his own blood sugar and temperature—a remarkable sign of his resilience.

Day 3: Hope began to flicker as Eliseu devoured the pâté he loved so much. The brave cat persisted, managing his blood sugar and maintaining his temperature all on his own. Eliseu would live on, but he needed assistance from his new adoptive mother.

Day 6: With unwavering faith, we stood by Eliseu, believing that he had chosen to stay with us.

Day 14: In an act of gratitude, Eliseu gently squeezed our fingers, no longer tense as before but instead holding on tightly. He had stabilized, his temperature remaining steady. His eye began to heal, allowing him to see life anew.

Day 20: Marilucy Pereira, filled with gratitude, basked Eliseu in the warm sun, drying his fragile body. For the first time, Eliseu ventured outside.

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