Stray Dog Was Exhausted After Becoming Plaything For Children In Village

Dogs who are abandoned and made to live alone on the streets are truly unfortunate. Without a loving home, these poor animals must wander around, seeking food and water, just to survive. Nevertheless, the situation can sometimes take an even darker turn when these innocent and vulnerable animals are subjected to mistreatment and cruelty at the hands of humans.

On the way to exercise, a good Samaritan accidentally discovered a stray dog. She was exhausted, sitting in front of a house by the roadside. According to people here, she appeared in the village several weeks ago, when she was found by the rescue team. Sadly, the children in the neighborhood took her out as a toy for them.

When she was spotted, she had already escaped from the children, but she was exhausted from fatigue and numerous injuries to her body. At that time, she could not walk and was leaning against the hedge. She must have suffered so much that she had to wander around finding food when she was in a really bad state.

The rescuer approached the little dog to offer help. But she seemed so scared. However, after an hour of effort, she grew more comfortable with the gentle touch of the nice guy.

“She also understood that she had no other choice, so she put all her trust in us.” shared the rescuer in the video.

The rescuer could not hold back his emotion, and he immediately brought the puppy home to help her recover; fortunately, those injuries did not affect her health too much.

To make it simpler to treat the wound, the good Samaritan cut the puppy’s fur as soon as they arrived at the house. Skin and bones were all that remained after the fur was completely removed. She was extremely sick and anemic.

“When her feathers left her body, we saw a sickly body in front of us,” shared the rescuer.

The little dog was then taken to the bathroom to get rid of all the strain on her body. “She is very cooperative with us; when we say anything, she happily follows,” the rescuer shared on the video.

After bathing time, the poor dog was given a very lovely dress and placed on a soft bed. She loves her dress so much, and she was very happy to sleep in a comfortable place. How heartbreaking it is to know that she was used to sleeping anytime and anywhere because she was veritably tired after the children’s play.

She has a new name, Mila. Gradually, the little pup is feeling much better than the first time she was bathed. She even has her own shower gel that helps her skin a lot.

Not long after the rescue, her health was well recovered, and Mila has actually become more and more gorgeous and wonderful. She is now waiting for a new home that can provide her with the love that she deserves.

You can watch the full rescue in the video below.

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