Sausage Dog And A Seal Puppy Met On Vacation, Became Best Friends Immediately

Friendships can be formed even when we are on vacation and there is something great about getting to know people from the places we travel to. After all, it could be the beginning of a beautiful and long-lasting friendship. Stanley, the pup, recently traveled to Cornwall with his human, Melanie Talbot, in order to enjoy his vacation there. The human and the pup then visited the local Cornish seal sanctuary there and Stanley was able to make friends with a seal pup named Aayla.

The two buddies even posed for some pictures together everyone who witnessed the event could not help going ‘aaaaaw!”. After Stanley entered the underwater viewing area, Aayla caught Stanley’s eye and the seal pup also appeared to be excited after seeing her new friend. The two creatures gazed at each other through the tank’s glass partition. Aayla and Stanley spent around 20 minutes interacting with one another and it was certainly a sight for sore eyes.

Apparently Aayla is seen near the underwater viewing area most of the time because she loves to interact with dogs and people. So, it is clear that this is not the first time that this seal pup has made friends with a dog. However, she did appear to really love Stanley. There is a possibility that Aayla misidentified Stanley as another seal because the pup was wearing a doggy jacket with his ears tucked in.

Accoding to Georgina Shannon, a staff member at the Sea Life Trust Cornish Seal Sanctuary, “I think she was absolutely fascinated by him! You can see from the photos, she was really interested in him and spent a long time looking at him through the glass.” Since the photographs were absolutely adorable, they went viral instantly.

Aayla was rescued from Bacton in 2017 and then taken to the sanctuary in 2018 with hopes of providing her with a permanent home. Melanie, Stanley’s owner, expressed that Aayla and Stanley became friends at first sight. They had been bopping their noses at the glass as if they were whispering secrets to one another. Stanley definitely enjoyed his vacation because he was able to find a new friend in Cornwall and we are all happy that these two buddies found each other.

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