Rescuers Couldn’t Ignore Feral Cat Who Advoided Human Contact for Years

Every year in the USA, about 3.2 million cats find themselves in shelters, but only around 2.1 million get adopted. The rest endure loneliness and the harsh realities of life without love. Many end up on the streets, facing dangers and diseases. Thankfully, compassionate animal organizations step in to protect and save these vulnerable creatures, giving them a chance at a new life and a forever home. A little cat who once struggled on the streets is the subject of today’s tale. Fortunately, he had the opportunity to meet a wonderful rescue team, and thanks to their kindness and perseverance, he was put on the road to a better future.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

Rescuers Couldn't Ignore Feral Cat Who Advoided Human Contact for Years

When they came across a feral cat that looked pitiful and was in bad condition, members of Boston’s Forgotten Felines were going on a TNR mission. On Boston’s streets, the little cat suffered beatings and endured unrelenting fear. When they saw his poor condition, they knew they had to help him, even though their initial plan was to neuter him and send him back to his feral colony.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

“Coconut was a mess. He had URI, UTI, goopy eyes and had something covering his tail that looked like oil. Not to mention ear mites and chronic diarrhea along with a bad back leg,” Joni Nelson founder of Boston’s Forgotten Felines said. “But it was his nasty attitude that made him hard to like. The pathetic thing couldn’t go back to his colony in the shape he was in.”

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

When he was first brought back to the shelter, he was very grumpy and would not allow anyone near him, so he was placed in a cage. It became very challenging to feed and clean his cage because the cat would lash out whenever they tried to open the door.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

After taking daily medications, his infections began to get better, but it still took a while before Coconut made the decision to start calming down a little. “I could go in and clean his box and put down food without him coming at me, but he still hissed whenever anyone walked by his cage,” Nelson said. “Still, he never lifted his head all the way, always looking down. He never bothered to clean himself, and I sure couldn’t touch him to clean out his eyes. I knew for sure he couldn’t go back on the streets to live like that!”

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

Even though things seemed challenging, Nelson wasn’t willing to give up. And then, one day, she started to notice a glimmer of hope.

Instead of turning away in fear, Coconut decided to let his human caregiver touch his head for just a second or two. Nelson was extremely grateful for that brief period. It was evidence that the cat had begun to change for the better. And as Nelson got closer to Coconut, she gradually discovered why he had such a difficult life as a feral.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

“It took two very deep bites from him to realize he was deaf and could only see shadows. He was frightened and no one knows the torture he went through living on the streets for so long in that condition.” Nelson said.

After that, Coconut was transferred to his second foster home, where he flourished. “I admit I was very worried he would go back to being frightened and mean with strangers, but after just one night of hiding, he came out from under the bed in his new foster home,” Nelson said.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

It is difficult to believe Coconut is the same cat they rescued a year ago. And we know that he has certainly come a long way. But what love and care can accomplish is truly amazing, and we are so grateful for him.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

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