Meet the rare Canadian Lynx with enormous paws.

What a beautiful creature- one big unit.

He is absolutely gorgeous! Must use a huge litter box.

One of the most beautiful cats on the planet, and they are all stunning.
Aren’t those big, soft paws the best?

The Canadian Lynx is a large cat native to Alaska and Canada. However, due to a variety of factors, mainly due to poaching for fur, the number of cats in the area has plummeted, and they are quickly becoming the world’s rarest cat species.

Because Canadian Lynx cat is large and gentle, with smooth fur, they quickly become the target of [poa.chers]!

The Canadian Lynx resembles a lynx but has distinguishing characteristics such as long ears with a black tip and large feet. When they live in snowy areas, their large paws act as ski boots, allowing them to move fastly. This also helps them to swim well and climb mountains quickly.

They usually weigh between 5 and 17 kg, which is twice or three times the weight of a regular cat!
This Canadian Lynx cat has large paws and looks like a leopard, but it won’t att.ack you; it just wants to be petted!

Fortunately, thanks to citizen and government conservation efforts, their population has increased over the years, and the Lynx species has been removed from the end.ang.ered species list and is doing well.

In the video bellow is a big baby Canadian Lynx cat, but he, like all domestic cats, loves to be petted!

Absolutely gorgeous. Love this big furry baby!

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