Manny, the “Selfie Cat”, becomes an internet sensation with his amusing photos featuring large guard dogs

However, he never thought a star would be born when one day when a gray tabby cat named Manny took his GoPro and took a selfie, and it all happened by chance.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

“Manny learned to use the camera by chance when he reached out to touch the camera during a shoot one day,” Yorem said.

And then “Manny The Selfie Cat” AKA “Your Moms Favorite Cat” was born, and he took the world by storm.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

Manny was a stray when he and Yorem met, he was looking for a place to live and stumbled upon Yorem and his wife’s property by chance.

He clearly needed a place to live, and the couple welcomed him into their home. Actually, it was Manny who made that decision for them!

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

Yorem and his wife also housed other dogs and cats that Manny quickly became best friends with, although he was no ordinary cat.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

His charisma and charm soon made him the “alpha” of the pack, and he started making regular appearances on Yorem’s Instagram.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

“He is very curious, and whenever I take pics of my dogs, he basically ‘photobombs’ the camera and tries to take it from me,” said Yorem.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

He even went as far as to describe Manny as “the most intelligent, inquisitive cat we’ve ever had”.

However, it wasn’t up until an extraordinary thing happened that the couple realized really how intelligent and inquisitive Manny was.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

Manny, the star was born.

One day, Yorem was doing the regular photoshoot for his Instagram with Manny his two dogs when something special happened.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

“Manny learned to use the camera by chance when he reached out to touch the camera during a shoot one day,” said Yorem.

The results were magical, with many pictures showing Manny “taking a selfie,” on his own and with many others.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

Yorem couldn’t help but laugh at the hilarious photos, and so he uploaded one onto Instagram, and soon enough, thousands of people were laughing with him.

From that moment on, Manny became an internet sensation and earned his title as “Selfie Cat.”

Often, he is seen taking selfies with Yorems pair of huge Rottweiler security guards.

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

Manny essentially took over Yorem’s account, and he has 630k followers and counting, all eager to see his next selfie.

Manny has been featured in international news as well as making a guest appearance on Ellen!

Meet Manny The “Selfie Cat” Who Takes Hilarious Photos With Big Guard Dogs - Content4Mix

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