Kitten’s Unwavering Spirit Steals Hearts as She Sports Teddy Bear Ears

A kitten with teddy bear ears and twisted legs continues to amaze people with her fighting spirit.

Baby Quill the kitten was a tiny warrior when she was brought to Friends for Life Rescue Network (a rescue group in Los Angeles). The kitten was born with twisted front legs. She was an instant cuddle-bug and didn’t let anything stop her from seeking attention.

Mel and Zane Lamprey, foster volunteers of the rescue, took a chance on the amazing kitten. They began giving her daily physical therapy, massages, and other muscle building work to help correct her legs.

The sweet kitten was a trooper during each physical therapy session. She adored her foster parents and was especially clingy with Foster Dad Zane.

“He swooped in like the hero after each physical therapy session and cuddled her. Quill had him wrapped around her tiny fingers,” Mel shared with Love Meow.

The little bundle of joy was so brave and thankful, and all she wanted was love and snuggles.

Pumpkin the resident cat took to the new kitty and would wrap his arms around her, showering her with love.

A few weeks later, Quill was down with a fever and taken to the vet. That’s when they discovered symptoms that point to FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis), a feline viral disease.

While she was staying at the vet, they fed her every few hours around the clock. They had to stop physical therapy and concentrate on fighting FIP.

“There is a new drug therapy that shows promise in curing FIP in cats,” Jacqueline DeAmor, co-founder of Friends for Life Rescue Network, shared with Love Meow. “In order for the FIP meds to work best, you must keep the body under the least amount of stress as possible.”

A week after treatment, Quill exceeded everyone’s expectations by making incredible strides.

“Even just a year ago FIP would have been a death sentence,” Mel said. “She’s responded very well to her FIP medication. She’s more active and is now gaining weight.”

The kitten continued to fight against the odds. Her stomach issues were improving, and things began to look up.

Two days ago, Quill officially joined the two-pound club. She’s getting bigger and more cuddly than ever.

They celebrate every milestone she hits, and are so proud of how far she’s come.

Despite having a pair of twisted legs, Quill doesn’t let anything slow her down. She can run and climb things with her paws.

As she continues to improve with treatment, she is getting stronger and more playful. Her personality is shining through.

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