Kittens Discovered Together In The Backyard Form An Endearing Relationship – Lillise

Micheline, an animal rescuer from Montreal, Canada, was helping out in her neighborhood when she came across two little kittens that were in desperate need of a home. The cats were looking for food in a garden outside a neighbor’s house.

The kittens were just a few weeks old, very similar, and spent the whole time together. Micheline rescued them both and sent them to the Chatons Orphelins Montreal rescue facility.

Love Meow spoke with Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal.

Stella and Ally were the names we gave to the twins. When they first came, they were quite timid. Lena, one of our foster volunteers, welcomed them into her house so they could mingle. They went to their new cat tree right away and even slept together.

Kittens discovered in a garden form an endearing relationship.

The kittens were first wary of one other, but after some time, they decided to explore every inch of their new home. As they toured the region in quest of excitement, they were never far from view.

A volunteer at the rescue facility says:

«If they see a feather toy, they both run away.» When they play, they make a commotion, but they also enjoy quiet times together and sleep hugging.

Ally is the youngest of the two, but she is quite lovely and has a fantastic attitude. This mischievous feline is always searching for new activities, and her energy quickly transfers to her sister Stella.

Celine explains:

The sisters are inextricably linked. If they can’t see each other, they’ll go out of their way to find each other right away.

They are so amusing that even the household cats are enthralled by them and love watching them chase each other about the home. Ally is the one who always takes the lead, and Stella is her right hand woman.

– Ad – Stella is constantly protected by Ally, rescues’ her when she sees her sister in need. Felines like to share everything, including their food, toys, beds, and the cat tree where they like to run around.

Celine continues:

“Stella is more quiet than Ally, who is extroverted and lively. They are a wonderful match for each other. When one of them is stroked, both of their purring engines start at the same time.”

These sisters have been turned into gorgeous panther kittens thanks to the aid of volunteers, and they are now ready for their next adventure. The rescue center aims to place them together in a loving home.

Stella and Ally like hugs and are often sleeping together; they are adorable and thoroughly enjoy each other’s company.

On their Facebook page, you can read more about these cats and the work that the Chatons Orphelins Montréal rescue organization does.


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