Introducing Honey Bee, our cherished blind cat, saved and treasured by our family, accompanying us on exhilarating hikes, radiating love and happiness.

Honey Bee is a cat, born in Fiji, who just so happens to be [ʙʟɪɴᴅ]. Nevertheless, her lack of functioning eyesight hasn’t stopped this inquisitive feline from hitting the hiking trails in her new forever home in Seattle — an appropriate story to tell in January, which is National Walk Your Pet Month.

She has lived in the Caribbean & currently in Seattle with her 2 humans and 4 other cats. The family adopted her from Animals Fiji when she was a kitten. One of her favorite hobbies is hiking with her humans.

She loves to ride on her humans’ shoulders on long walks. Whenever they go hiking, they will take her on their shoulders or with a leash. She likes listening to water sounds when going on outdoor adventures.

Now rolling with the motto “Bravery, adventure, cuteness,” she has also become a YouTube sensation after a video of one of her jaunts escalated to viral heights.

Sadly, Honey Bee [ᴘᴀssᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ] last night due to serious illness. She was only seven and a half years old, but she did a lot with the time she had. She had a very good life for a runty disabled cat born in a less developed country.

“Goodbye, brave little Honey Bee. Her body just couldn’t make it any longer, and she [ᴘᴀssᴇᴅ ᴀᴡᴀʏ] last night. Honey Bee was the embodiment of “living your best life,” and never missed a chance to have fun, explore new places, and meet new people. Honey Bee had a big life full of adventures and love, and everywhere she went, she spread joy – whether to her friends online or to people who she met on walks and hikes,” her owners shared on Facebook.

“I have been awed over the years by how many people have enjoyed, followed her life, and have sent kind messages about how she has provided them with comfort or inspiration or hope. When I started Honey Bee’s Facebook page, I saw her as a sort of “anti Grumpy Cat” – she was as friendly as could be and she just wanted to spread happiness.”

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