If nobody took the cat away, the owner threatened to have it euthanized. Luckily, someone was in real need of the cat

A cat named Maruska appeared in Maria’s house unexpectedly.?

Once, the girl saw an ad on social networks from the owner of the cat, who gave MURlyk in good hands, referring to the move. The man threatened to euthanize the animal if there were no people willing to shelter it. Worried about the fate of the pet, the girl called the number indicated in the ad and asked the person to bring the cat to her.

For the first time in her life, Maria saw that Murlyka calmly entered someone else’s house and went straight to the bowl of food. For the first few minutes, the girl silently examined the cute kitty while she ate. After a hearty dinner, Maruska went to sleep right on the bed.

cat and child

Masha was already delighted that she got an extremely calm animal, as the rattle of keys was heard in the doorway. And then the cat seemed to be changed! She began to hiss and meow loudly until she saw that the girl’s husband had entered the apartment. As soon as Marusya realized that this was a person, she immediately calmed down and went back to sleep.

In the evening, Masha and her husband bathed their pet and at the same time found out that she loves water very much.?

cat with baby

Affectionate and sweet cat became wild only when she heard some noise outside the front door. True, the owners of the animal are already accustomed to this trait of character and even consider their MURlyka to be a guard.

When a daughter was born in Maria’s family and Marusya saw the baby lying in diapers, she literally fell in love with the child. Since then, she has not left the baby, trying to lick her and guarding her sleep. Even the girl’s daughter took her first steps, leaning on a cat. Marusya plays with the child, and then falls asleep with her, purring affectionately.

cat with baby

Probably, this is an ideal family for Marusya, and it is not for nothing that she immediately felt comfortable in her new home! Cats are not wrong about such things.?

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