Homeless Kitten Discovered with Beautiful Fur but Covered in Oil Has a Life-Changing Experience

In South Gate, California, a little abandoned kitten was discovered with filth and motor grease all over him. The little cat was rescued by a kindhearted individual who took him to a secure location and appealed for assistance online.

One 4 One Grooming and More’s groomer went for the baby and attempted to feed and water him. The homeless kitten appeared to be in bad health, and it was clear that it was undernourished, so they decided right once to seek aid from the nearby shelters.

The call was answered by Southern California-based animal rescue Friends for Life Rescue Network.

The cute cat was given the name “Lazlo” and was now wearing gorgeous white fur. He was very dehydrated and weak when he got to the rescue facility. The little child needed to be brought to the veterinarian because he was unable to keep food in his stomach.

Lazlo faced challenging times, required IV fluids, and frequently entered and exited the clinic, but the cat demonstrated his will to survive by meowing loudly at his carer. Jacqueline made the decision to take him in and care for him full-time.

Lazlo was put on a syringe when he was first begun, and he lacked the strength to even stand. They gave him blankets and increased the heat to keep him comfortable.

After 24 hours, the tiny warrior started to respond and feed on his own. He even demanded his caregivers’ attention. He appeared to be quite appreciative of the treatment.

Lazlo was prepared to leave the facility after many visits and four visits from veterinarians.

To quote Jacqueline:

He was amusing and had stopped reclining in the water bowl from dehydration. He started putting on weight after a few days, and a week later, he fully emerged from hiding and went back to his adopted family.

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