Golden Retriever Shows His Dad How Proud He Is Of His Stick Collection

Bruce is a golden retriever aged four, and I would not be mistaken to say that this doggo is quite the expert when it comes to sticks. He is undoubtedly a refined stick collector connoisseur. This golden retriever adores sticks to an extent that he collects lots and lots of them. Bruce is currently residing in the US. Bruce also referred to as “the goodest boy in the world”, has been collecting sticks for a long time now.

He has managed to gain much popularity on the internet because of the pictures of him posing next to his valuable collection of sticks. To Bruce, these sticks are his most prized possessions. On a day with huge snowfall, Bruce was not allowed to go outside because there were about 12 inches of snow covering the ground. During this time the doggo only had one stick to play with and this stick was his favorite.

One evening, when the ground was covered in snow, Bruce left his stick outside and he was unable to recover it despite numerous efforts to search for it. However, this doggo was not ready to give up and kept on attempting to find his treasurable stick. On one fine day, when the snow had melted, he finally found it. At that moment he must have realized the importance of having more than one stick in order to ensure that he never has to be without one again.

After this incident, he started his collection of sticks. Currently, his collection consists of over 50 large sticks. He doesn’t use any of them for playing, instead, they are merely for collecting. After a game of fetch went wrong and Bruce ended up with a perforated esophagus, he then began to play fetch with a rubber stick.

Bruce’s owner, Leo, expressed his thoughts on his dog’s popularity saying, “Am I surprised that Bruce has become an internet sensation? Absolutely not. He is the light of my life and truly a unique pup, so I am more proud of him than anything. He is the moon to my stars, the cheese to my macaroni, and the peanut butter to my jelly.”

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