Gato Finds A Job At A Train Station As A “Mouse Catcher”

After volunteering for more than three years, a friendly cat gets a job at the Stourbridge railway station in the West Midlands, England, and becomes the “official mouse catcher.”

George, a red-haired kitten, was surrendered to the station when his original owners were forced to relocate from the United Kingdom and were unable to take him with them. Since then, the six-year-old feline has worked hard to gain people’s trust and demonstrate his skills.

He has regularly patrolled the station for the last three years, leaving dead mice as gifts for his fellow station members.

Cat secures a position as an official mouse catcher.


Now that you’ve spent so much time helping people get rid of mice, it only seems right to give you a proper title and a proper job.

George will continue to work at the station, but this time as a full-time employee in the position of “Mouse Capture Manager.”


He will also wear his own badge and be given a striking salary in the form of pure goods, great meals, and lots of hugs from his fans.

According to the Daily Mail, station manager Simone Carter said:

“George began wandering about the station, and his supervisor, Ian Tomlinson, 66, led him to the ticket office, where he immediately felt at ease. They created an unbreakable friendship, and George had usually wait for Ian to finish his task.


Ian tried to return the kitten to its owners when he first saw it, but they urged him to adopt it because they were moving to another country. George has made the station his new comfortable home since that time, and he even has his own bed.


George has become a big success at the station, with admirers sending him presents, toys, and snacks from all around the world.

Ian commented, ”

George has garnered a lot of admiration throughout the years. We set up a Twitter account for him, and he now has followers from all around the world. Australia, Japan, and even New Zealand have sent him presents. It’s incredible.


Because the redhead receives so many presents, Ian has decided to donate them to charity so that they will help other cats or animals in need. But the kitten’s fame doesn’t stop there: a local brewery has named a drink “George’s Rail Ale” after him.


The best part is that all of the profits from the drink will go to organizations that help kittens and other homeless animals.

Simone had this to say:

“George is well-liked by those who travel by the station, and he is frequently looked after; he even has his own badge, as the’senior mouse catcher’.”

George will continue to enjoy his new position at the train station and his popularity until he retires.


Ian wants  to take him home after he retires in late 2021, since he does not want to abandon his closest friend. Ian has worked for more than 50 years, and you’ll have to wait to see if George will join him in old age.


They both need a vacation, but they will definitely miss the lovely red-haired kitten’s unique services at the train station.

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