Flashing an adorable smile at the camera, a foster kitten captures hearts everywhere, going viral and spreading joy in every corner.

They say a smile is the most beautiful thing you can wear, and in Blossom’s case, that’s certainly true.

The adorable little rescue kitten has managed to melt hearts and start conversations all around the world, simply by agreeing to a photoshoot and flashing the camera a big ol’ smile.

The little kitten, who was taken in by her foster mom Lauren Boutz alongside her two sisters, Bubbles and Buttercup, went viral after a particularly flattering photo of her hit the web.

Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup were taken in by Lauren Boutz when they were just teeny tiny kittens.

At only one-week-old, they were too small to find their forever families, and so they moved in with Boutz who has fostered many little kittens over the years.

The little kittens thrived under Boutz care and soon they were running around all over the house.

The sisters were sweet and adventurous and Boutz couldn’t get enough of her little Powerpuff girls.

One day, Boutz decided to set up a little photoshoot with the now five-week-old kittens.

The trio was heart-meltingly cute and just had to be immortalized.

That’s when Blossom decided to show off her best feature; her smile.

When Boutz turned the camera on the little cat, Blossom gave the camera a big, beautiful grin that has since gone on to melt hearts all around the world.

The little kitten’s impossibly dazzling smile showcased just how happy she felt living with Boutz and her sisters, and when Boutz posted the picture online, it immediately went viral.

People could barely believe that a cat as cute and precious as Blossom could even exist.

Blossom’s smile has spread love and happiness to countless people from all over the world and has spread awareness of rescue cats, fostering and adoption.

It’s wonderful to imagine just how many lives she’s touched with her smile, and just how much happiness a simple smile can inspire.

Source: justsomething.co

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