Dog With Nose Cut Off Had Little Chance Of Surviving But Her Rescuers Refused To Give Up

When rescuers found Namtan the dog, she had been brutally tortured and had little chance of survival. She was starving because she couldn’t eat, and her nose had been badly hurt. She was fortunately found by a group of rescuers who frequently save elephants.

The Save Elephant Foundation in Thailand is well known for helping elephants, but they also care about other animals, so when they came across Namtan, they knew they had to intervene to save her. She was found on the sidewalk with her snout hanging from her face. With a machete or knife, most likely, it had been severed.

She found it challenging to eat, and finding food was so challenging that she had taken to eating her own feces.

Finding a veterinarian willing to perform the necessary life-saving surgery was difficult for Namtan’s rescuers. Numerous veterinarians warned them that the procedure would be challenging because it had been so long since her accident. They eventually came across a veterinarian who was willing to try and save her life.

Namtan was saved by the surgeon’s valiant efforts! When I first saw her after the operation, I was in shock. Namtan was prepared to begin, and after her procedure, her injury has healed nicely. Currently, she is residing at The Elephant Park Sanctuary under the tender care of her rescuers.

Watch her amazing rescue and recovery in the video below.

Video contains graphic imagery that some viewers may find upsetting. Discretion is urged.

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