Despite six months of separation, a determined young woman leaves no stone unturned in her quest to find her missing cat, shedding tears of hope and despair each morning and evening

Barely a year after arriving in a new home, Pti Mimi gave her owners a scare. One evening, the cat did not return home. 6 months of research and anguish followed. Léa, his mistress, had a hard time keeping hope…

Pti Mimi and Léa met in December 2021, in Tonneins (47). At the time, the young woman was a facilitator in a school in the city, when she discovered a ginger kitten in the yard. “ I think someone dropped him there, he was sick ,” she explains to the Republican .

By mutual agreement with her companion, Léa decides to treat the animal. “ We already had another cat, Snow , she continues, suddenly, we quarantined Pti Mimi in the bathroom. […] We had him sterilized and chipped. »

In the meantime, the couple fall in love with the feline and decide to adopt her. Pti Mimi becomes the best friend of her congener, Snow , with whom she spends most of her time walking around the Germillac district.

Unfortunately, one evening in October 2022, everything collapses.

“I cried in the morning, I cried in the evening”

Snow returns home alone, without his 10-month-old redhead sidekick. The absence of the little adventurer has caused a lot of trouble for her mistress. “ I was really very affected by his disappearance. I put up posters all over town. Every evening, when I got home, I went door to door. I cried in the morning, I cried in the evening. »

Léa regularly posted announcements on social networks. She sometimes received reports about cats that looked like Pti Mimi , but that was not the case… For a long time, tears ran down her cheeks.

It was after 4 months that the Tonneinquaise lost hope: “ I said to myself: either she died somewhere, or she is happy with someone ”. Léa stopped her research and tried to resume the course of her life…

Spectacular turn of events

However, this Friday, April 21, a new twist took place. Around 2 p.m., Léa received a call from her boyfriend: “ We found Pti Mimi ,” he told her.

The feline was 15 kilometers from her home, at Mas d’Agenais, in the garden of a ” nice granny ” who had taken care of her. It is thanks to her microchip that Léa learned the good news, and that she was able to find her sweet furry friend.

Back home

Since then, Pti Mimi has returned to her good habits. “ As soon as she got out of her transport crate, she rushed to her bowl and then went to the window, where she always stood to look outside, ” says Léa .

She intends to invest in a GPS collar, so that Pti Mimi ‘s hunting temperament does not play tricks on her. A story that ends well!

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