Dad Is So Proud That His Daughter Shares Special Bond With 16-Foot Python

Today, get ready to hear a super unique and heartwarming story! Most kids have furry or fluffy pets, like dogs, cats, or maybe even hamsters, as their best buddies. But for one little girl, her BFF is quite the showstopper—it’s not a cuddly critter but a colossal 16-foot python named Cher. Yup, you read that right! Emi and Cher are inseparable, and their incredible friendship has been growing since Emi was just a tiny 2-year-old. Hold onto your hats, folks, because this story is something else!

A young girl named Emi shares an extraordinary friendship with a 16-foot python named Cher. Their bond began when Emi was just 2 years old, and they’ve grown up together. Emi’s father, Ed Taoka, emphasized that they are comfortable in each other’s presence.
Emi and Cher enjoy spending time together, with Cher often crawling over Emi’s body. They cuddle, have tea parties, and share affectionate moments. Taoka has taken great care to ensure Cher is tame, and Emi knows how to handle her gently and respectfully.
Rules are in place, such as constant adult supervision during their interactions and no feeding by Emi until she’s older. Taoka hopes that Emi and Cher’s relationship will challenge stereotypes about large snakes. He believes Cher is exceptionally gentle and even compares her favorably to their more aggressive cats.
Emi expresses her love for Cher by hugging her and saying, “I love you, Cher.” Taoka recognizes the uniqueness of their bond and the educational opportunity it presents. He shares their journey on Instagram, posting photos and videos of their heartwarming friendship while advocating for animal conservation.
Safety is a priority, and Emi is never left alone with Cher. She won’t be allowed to feed Cher until she’s 16 years old. Taoka describes Cher as the gentlest snake he’s ever owned and stresses that people rarely see the true nature of these creatures due to negative perceptions.
Their heartwarming friendship is documented in every special moment they share.

Don’t forget to share this extraordinary story with your friends! For more articles like this, consider visiting our homepage now!

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