Cats Who Raised 8 Kittens Together, Wait at Glass Door at Shelter Every Day /c

Two cats who have raised their eight kittens together, wait at the glass door at the shelter every day.

Early this month, Exploits Valley SPCA (in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada) took in two cat moms and their eight kittens that desperately needed help. The large clowder had been rescued by Boyd’s Cove TNR Project before they made their way to the shelter.

The feline mothers were very small, weighing in at about four pounds each. They were barely one year old and helping each other with their very demanding kittens. “These assumed sisters have eight kittens between them that they share with each other completely,” Sarah of Exploits Valley SPCA shared with Love Meow.

“They are truly inseparable and even walk with their tails linked.”

With the help of many volunteers, the big family of 10 moved into a comfortable, spacious suite at the shelter, where they could scamper around, climb cat trees, play with an assortment of toys, and have plenty of food at their disposal.

The sister cats, Xeno and Ripley, managed to have the kittens at the same time and began to raise them together. They have been co-parenting their little ones who constantly keep them on their toes.

As the kittens are growing bigger and more independent, the two mommas are spending more time at the glass door, and eager to get some attention from anyone passing by. They will walk side by side to the door, often with their tails intertwined.

“Their favorite thing to do at the shelter is sit at the glass door and watch whatever’s going on in the hallway! They’re super personable cats who love attention,” Sarah told Love Meow.

Whenever there is a visitor, the sisters will come running to greet them while trying to win them over. They are excited to get some pets and snuggles, and enjoy sharing attention from their human friend.

“This family is extra small in size but not personality. The kittens and moms are all tiny, vocal, friendly and fun!”

The two lovable girls are hoping for a forever home together, so they will never be apart. “They will be happy to have their babies find homes but want to be adopted together.”

While some of the kittens have already received adoption interest, Xeno and Ripley are still waiting for the right family to find them. “Right now, there aren’t any applications for Xeno and Ripley.”

“They have been the best moms to all eight babies, although they are practically kitten-sized themselves,” Sarah shared with Love Meow.

The kittens are getting very playful and rambunctious. One of them has already been adopted.

Xeno and Ripley are ready to retire from motherhood once and for all, and be the center of attention for the perfect family.

They continue to greet whomever comes visit them at the glass door and hope that someday soon their dream comes true.

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