Cats collaborate paw in paw to care for a blended family of six kittens, bolstered by compassionate souls, demonstrating that unity and empathy conquer all hurdles.

Two cats worked side by side to care for six kittens, a blended family, with the help of kind people.

When Best Friends Felines, a cat rescue in Brisbane, AU, was contacted about two cat mothers and their kittens needing help, they couldn’t say no.

“What do you do when you get a call from a social worker who pleads for you to help an urgent case? You squeeze them in,” Best Friends Felines shared.

The blended family had six kittens between two moms, about five days apart in age. Upon arrival, the cats, Kokoro (black tortie) and Emika (snowshoe), were already taking turns in caring for their babies.

They curled up next to each other while their kittens nursed blissfully away, in perfect harmony.

Renae, a foster carer of the rescue, welcomed the family of eight into her loving home. She provided a comfortable nursery and plenty of food for the two moms to chow on, all day.

“For the first time ever, I have two mothers that care for two litters together. It’s very heart-warming,” Renae wrote. “The two smaller black and white kittens (a boy and a girl) belong to Emi, and the bigger four (three boys and one girl) belong to Koko.”

The cat mamas watched each other’s fur kids and kept them well fed and immaculately clean.

At 4-5 weeks old, the six turned into bundles of unbridled energy. Koko and Emi adored them all the same and catered to their every whim. “The family truly amazes me. They are running around so much and stealing mamas’ food.”

Emi spent most of her time with the kittens, while Koko enjoyed taking multiple breaks to stretch and refuel. She was relieved to have Emi babysit her four when she needed some me-time.

“Emi is the definition of ‘devoted’. She never really wanders too far from any of the babies. She isn’t biased and loves them all equally,” Renae added.

In a few rare moments, Emi stepped away from the kittens to sit next to her foster mom, as if to “thank” her for the food and comfort. “Both girls are such beautiful-natured kitties, and it shows with their babies being the same.”

When the kittens were weaned, they quickly learned that Renae always came with dinner. They would come running to the door the second it was cracked open.

“If I am not quick enough to put down the food, they will climb all over my feet and meow until I put it down.”

“These crazy characters run around rolling and pouncing on each other, and give me hours of amusement.”

As the kittens became independent and ventured outside of their nest more, Koko and Emi were ready to take a backseat from mommy duties.

They began to be more involved with their people, vying for their attention and pets, and snoozed plentifully on their bed.

When they were introduced to the resident cats, Emi quickly hit it off with the crew, while Koko showed off her sassy attitude. “She likes to pretend that she owns the place.”

Koko and Emi did an amazing job raising their six demanding babies. It was no easy feat. As the kittens blossomed into healthy, playful young cats, the moms were delighted to see them spread their wings and fly.

With a second chance, these kittens never had a day worrying about food and shelter. They have all found their loving homes.

Koko and Emi happily retired from motherhood, and are now enjoying their lives with their forever humans.

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