Bestowed with the title “Cat Savior,” a compassionate woman rescues and nurtures numerous abandoned Persian cats, embodying pure kindness and compassion. – Lillise

If you think the life of a woman who has 3 or more kids is chaos, just look at this cat mom. She has 12 cats but she still feeds them pretty well without someone’s help. Her name is Michelle who lives in Japan and owns 12 Persian cats. She runs the Instagram page 12 Cats Lady where she shares photos of her adorable cats.

It started with one abandoned kitten rescued wet and freezing from the middle of the road. She took Yuki home and then she decided to adopt to two more Persian beauties. But what about the other nine? They are their children from the same litter! The lady assures that the cats are all spayed and neutered now so there’s no chance of having more kitties.

And as you’ll see in the pictures, all 12 are very needy, and have strong personalities. She is completely happy with all her cats, and calls herself a “cat mom” instead. She hopes to break each and every one of the cat lady stereotypes. Scroll down to enjoy and don’t forget to share with your friends and family!

How do you make 12 cats look at the camera? Show them their favorite toy made from feathers, of course!

They need to eat well before a photo session


It’s also a good idea to give them their favorite treats

Then everything goes according to the usual schedule — an afternoon rest on their owner’s bed

A little posing is occasionally in order

A few games are played between photo shoots

Then there’s another rest hour

Then a little walk in the garden. They might see a bird!

After that it’s back to the hard work of modeling

The cats then check out the comments from their subscribers on Instagram. Some of them even count up the number of likes they’ve got!

It’s a hard life being a cat superstar, but there’s nothing you won’t do for your mom


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