Are kittens free?” The cat lady was driving along a rural road and suddenly spotted a green advertisement…

two kittens and an inscription in englishSurely many have already read our stories about the American Hanna Shaw , who calls herself “Cat Lady”. This volunteer girl, despite her exotically tattooed appearance, has a wide soul and even knows how to speak a little Russian ( see her signature “oh-oh-oh” at 1:05 in the video below ).

Recently, Hannah was driving down a rural road on her way from Connecticut to Washington on business when she suddenly noticed a large green sign outside one of the houses: “Free kittens” (“Free kittens”).

the inscription "Free kittens" in English

The girl slammed on the brakes and parked her car – as you understand, in her heart’s duty she could not pass by without learning the history of the kittens and the details of their existence.

“Are they offended here? And anyway – where did these poor fellows come from … ” – thought Hanna, stepping over stones and hummocks with grass in an attempt to find the path to the house.

The hostess came out to meet the girl. She told the Cat Lady that there are two cats in the household, which people cannot sterilize due to their employment and difficult financial situation. Here, periodically, the yard is replenished with mustachioed teenagers, whom the woman tries to put in good hands for free.

three kittens on the bed

“The owner of the kittens looked quite adequate, it was clear that she did not wish harm to the animals, ” Hanna says. “ So I offered her my help: all three kittens are sent with me to my apartment, and sponsors from our volunteer group Orphan Kitten Club will help pay for the sterilization of adult pets. The proposal was accepted with a bang, I heard a lot of gratitude in my address … “

three gray cats

Hanna clarifies that such a story in the provinces is not uncommon. Usually the owners of animals living in villages cannot afford a visit to the veterinarian or, out of ignorance, do not betray the importance of the sterilization procedure. These people just need help!

kitten licks

“I was delighted to watch the Free Kittens fly into the trash, ” continues the volunteer. “ These babies will also be sterilized when they grow up, and their children will not have to suffer on the streets of indifferent cities and villages…”

three kittens lie on the bed

As for the kids themselves, they are just adorable! Gray striped tabby babies have big expressive eyes, cute characters and 7 weeks of life behind them. The boy was named Pee Wee, and the girls were named Marge and Dottie.

three gray cats on a claw

See how little Dottie (Dot) with a white spot on her head carefully licks her brother’s face. “Did Pee Wee eat something tasty today, or does Dot think bro is just made for kissing?” Hannah asks under the video.

By the way, the kittens did not enjoy life for long in the girl’s reliable but adoptive hands. They quickly found their permanent owners!

Pee Wee and Dot went to live together, under the same roof, and Marge found her happiness in another house, where she was wonderfully met by her half-sister, also a rescued cat.)

two gray kittens

And so ended the story of “free kittens”, who became the most precious pets in their real homes. Now only joy awaits them!

collage with kittens

Thanks to Hannah and her team!?

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