An abandoned cat in an apartment is overjoyed to be found and his dream comes true

Little Wanderers NYC, a New York City rescue organization, received information about a kitten in need of assistance in May. The cat had been abandoned at a Mount Vernon apartment, presumably because its owner had moved and opted to leave it behind.

“The renters were in a rush to leave and left it, along with the rubbish, behind.” “A good Samaritan served him dry food and sought our assistance.”

Narnia, a six-year-old cat, was too nervous to approach people and would back away and hide if they approached him.

Narnia would require a trained guardian, so the rescue center staff began looking for a suitable foster family.

On Facebook, the crew wrote:

“He is a stunning cat, and we want him to succeed as the king he was born to be.”

Narnia was transferred to her new foster home after visiting the vet, but she was still anxious and refused to come out of the container.

Narnia welcomed all of the attention when his new adopted mother walked over and calmed him. She began caressing him to help him feel better. The kitty gradually gained the bravery to emerge from his shell, and he was content with all he had at his disposal and his ability to meet his demands.

He also began to feel comfortable as he received the attention and affection he need from his adoptive mother. Narnia decided to join his adoptive mother and lie down on her bed to sleep peacefully next to her one day without thinking about it.

He trusted his carer even more after that and sat on the sofa during the day, napping and relaxing wherever he pleased.

According to the rescue center,

“In the months she’s spent with her adoptive mother, Narnia has come a long way. He changed from being a bashful and terrified young man to a confident young man who can now finally unwind ».

Narnia has waited patiently for a perfect family to come forward to adopt him during his stay in the foster home.

Fortunately for Narnia, the news they were waiting for arrived this week, and their dream of finding a home has finally come true.

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