‘Aggressive’ Dog Becomes Gentle Giant When He Meets His Special Friend

Meet Anubis, the rottweiler who overcame his shyness to form an unlikely friendship. He was unsure of his situation when he first entered Miami Dade Animal Services, and it took him a long time to adjust to the new environment. It was not until that fateful day that he met someone so special that it totally changed his life.

Source: Humans and Animals United
Anubis had a rough life on the streets, making him cautious around anyone, whether human or another dog. The shelter staff saw him as a potential risk and deemed him unsafe. But beneath his tough exterior was a heart filled with affection.

Source: Humans and Animals United

“Some shelter staff were scared of him,” explained Rosa Fond, founder of Humans and Animals United (HAAU), a foster-based rescue. “And Anubis didn’t trust anyone.”

HAAU, determined to reveal Anubis’s friendly side and give him a better life, stepped in upon hearing about his situation. But before he could move to a foster family, he needed to regain his confidence.

Source: Humans and Animals United

They brought in a trainer who worked tirelessly with Anubis and the staff members who had their doubts. It wasn’t a quick process.

“It took a lot of time and understanding, and I mean a lot,” Fond emphasized. “But we gave him the chance that he needed.”

Source: Humans and Animals United
Gradually, Anubis started to let go of his fears, as did the employees of the shelter. The dog once seen as aggressive was on his way to finding a forever home filled with the love he craved.

After more training sessions, Anubis was ready to meet his new foster-to-adopt family. He entered the shelter as a timid and unsure pup but left with newfound confidence.

“When he left the shelter, he realized he was safe,” Fond recalled. “He had a huge smile and happy eyes.”

Anubis not only found a loving human family but also an unexpected companion – a bearded dragon.

From the moment they met, Anubis and the bearded dragon became close friends. The lizard, already a part of the family, played the role of a slightly bossy big brother, and Anubis was perfectly content following his lead.

Surprisingly, in this unique household, Anubis isn’t the one in charge. He must seek permission from the bearded dragon to enter a room or borrow a toy – an amusing yet heartwarming arrangement.

But beyond the surface, these two animals share a deep bond built on love and respect for each other.

Source: Humans and Animals United

Today, you can find Anubis living his best life alongside his scaly best friend, enjoying the affection of his doting human family. This once-shy dog, labeled as unsafe, has undergone a remarkable transformation.

“The family he’s with now has gone above and beyond to love him and ensure his future is bright,” Fond proudly shared. “The ‘aggressive’ rottweiler is now safe and loved.”

Source: Humans and Animals United
Anubis’s story reminds us that love and friendship can flourish in the most unexpected places. And if you love the story, make sure to hit the “like” and “share” buttons below. For more amazing stories, visit our homepage now!

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