After enduring weeks of hopeful anticipation, the inseparable trio of bonded kittens finally witnesses the realization of their long-awaited dream, filling their hearts with pure joy and forging an unbreakable bond that grows stronger with each passing moment.

Three bonded kittens had their dream come true after weeks of waiting for the right home.

It all started when a scrawny stray cat wandered up to a family’s yard for food this summer, and she just kept coming back. The homeowner soon noticed that her belly was growing, and suspected that she was pregnant.

Stef and Johanne, animal rescuers based in Montreal, Canada, stepped up to help and were able to get the expectant cat mom to safety. By then, she was near the end of her pregnancy and needed safe shelter.

After a trip to a veterinary clinic, they brought her home so she could have a quiet, comfortable place to have her kittens.

The sweet tabby ate to her heart’s content and then curled up in her comfy new nest. She could finally relax and get some much-needed shut-eye.

Stef and Johanne took turns to look after her in preparation for the birth. A few days later, the cat went into labor.

It was a difficult delivery for the young mom, but thanks to her caretakers who were there to aid her through the process, she gave birth to a littler of three healthy mini tabbies.

The kittens, all boys, were named Leelo, Elijah and Jasper. They gravitated towards each other and always huddled up in an adorable purr pile. They were so content when they had their arms around one another.

The sweet tabby mom cared for them until they were weaned and big enough to spread their wings and fly the nest on their own. The trio ventured out and waddled around as a tight-knit clowder. They tried to imitate each other when they played, and wrestled in a puddle of fluffy cuteness.

The three brothers were always in eyeshot of each other. They would start to cry if they weren’t together for a bit too long.

Chatons Orphelins Montréal, a local rescue, was contacted to help the little family so they could be vetted, spayed and neutered and find good homes.

The former stray cat was ready to retire from motherhood when her kittens were big enough. “She has found a family to take care of her, and will be spayed and adopted,” Celine Crom of Chatons Orphelins Montréal shared with Love Meow.

Marielyne, a foster volunteer of the rescue, took the bonded brothers into her care. The kittens adjusted quickly to their new abode, explored every nook and cranny together, and claimed the cat tree as their own.

“The brothers share an incredibly strong bond. They are very close and do everything together,” Celine shared with Love Meow.

“Leelo is the quietest of the three, but he will race from one end of the house to the other with his brothers. Jasper is very affectionate and a loud purr machine.

“He enjoys talking to people when he is not playing with his brothers. Elijah is a sweetheart and likes to stay close to his brothers at all times.”

The three buddies scamper around the house during the day, and curl up near their humans in a cuddle puddle at night. “They also like to snuggle up in cozy places and climb the cat tree together.”

They have distinct personalities that blend so well together. When it came time to find them a forever home, the rescue hoped that the right family would open their heart to this unbreakable trio.

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