After being rescued at 22 years old, a cat finally blossomed and now spends her days chasing the sun and hogging the bed.

A cat blossomed remarkably after she was rescued at 22 years old. Now, she chases the sun and hogs the bed.

At 22 years old, Thelma the cat ended up at a shelter in desperate need of rescue. Her owners could no longer afford her care and had to surrender her. Members of Best Friends Felines (BFF) were contacted about her situation and knew they had to help.

“Our heart broke when we heard of her plight and our heart melted when we saw the photos. We all know BFF has a real soft spot for the seniors,” the rescue shared. “We knew she needed to live out her life surrounded by love and in a home.”

Thanks to the power of social media, the sweet torbie was saved that day. A foster volunteer of the rescue stepped up and welcomed Thelma into their loving home.

Upon arrival, they saw a scrawny, fragile cat covered in mats and bald patches trudging out of the carrier. Despite it all, Thelma was in good spirits and immediately sought comfort in blankets and pillows.

She was in general good health, and only needed to be treated for a urinary tract infection. All the mats and knots were carefully removed from her coat, and she was put on a diet aimed to get her weight back on track.

“We found her a wonderful foster carer and placed her into our palliative care program, where she will live out the remainder of her life being loved and spoilt.”

Thelma settled beautifully into her new abode and found her favorite cat bed to snooze in. “She is in good health, just a little slow, and perhaps a little deaf, judging by her extremely loud meow.”

After a few weeks of recuperating, Thelma’s fluffy coat has grown back in. She now walks with pep under her feet and is starting to play again.

With her newfound strength, she likes to sneak up behind people, meow at the top of her lungs and see them jump. “If she was a Golden Girl, she’d be Sophia. She is sassy.”

Thelma has a wonderful appetite and adores anything gravy. She starts her day rising from her favorite cat bed with her snuggle teddy right by her side.

“She especially loves it when her bed is in sunshine.”

To provide better accessibility, the rescue has equipped the couches with stairs, so Thelma can go up and down with ease. They’ve also provided plenty of soft things to keep her kneady paws busy.

“After a month of good food and grooming, she worked her way up to her first zoomie.”

Thelma has rediscovered many of her hobbies, one of which is playing with cardboard boxes.

“They are still intriguing, and she gets that faraway look, remembering when she could tear bits off with her teeth. But they also make a wonderful item to scratch and rub against.”

The sweet senior has found the perfect sunbathing spot by the window where she can watch the day go by. “She still chases the sun and will warm her old bones for a little while.”

On a warmer day, she will park herself in a cool spot in her mom’s office, “but not without her teddy”.

Thelma has put on some much-needed weight, and her fur is looking better and silkier by the week. She will always have sunshine, endless love from her people, and a trusty teddy to keep her company.

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