Adorable Miniature Horse – And Yes, They Are Fully Grown!

As soon as you hear the word “horse”, what comes to your mind is an image of a strong, majestic, and large creature that gallops about in a graceful manner. But we are here to alter that generalization about the horse. Today we introduce to you the mini horse. These horses are similar to an average horse but are smaller in size and way cuter than an average horse.

These creatures were developed in Europe during the 1600s. Usually, the height of these horses is less than 34–38 inches (86–97 cm). Miniature horses are made use of as service animals because they are sociable creatures that successfully take on the role of assistance dogs. They are friendly towards humans and their adorableness is an added feature. These horses take part in horse show events as well.

Mini horses are too small in size, so they cannot or are impossible to be ridden by humans, and that includes children as well. This is why they are trained for driving or kept as pets. These animals are known to be great companions. If you ever decide to get a miniature horse, then it can spend its days being adorable and act as a beloved family pet. The horses that fall under the mini horse category are usually either South African miniature horses or Falabella horses.

#1. Definitely living proof that the shorter you are in size, the cuter you are.

Image Credit; bluefuzzyoctopus

#2. Two little babies sleeping tight.

Image Credit;

#3. Just look at how playful and wild this small creature is.

Image Credit; DecentDudeDustin

#4. Me and my dog buddy are going out for a nice walk. Don’t let our looks fool you into thinking we’re pandas.

Image Credit; Imgur

#5. The mini version of black beauty.

Image Credit; imgur

#6. Looking adorable while snuggling with my stuffed teddy.

Image Credit;

#7. One miniature horse looks cute, but two together looks cuter.

Image Credit; shh_im_not_here

#8. Posing for a picture like a big guy.

Image Credit; Twidbin

#9. Perks of being a mini horse- you get to ride in cars.

Image Credit; imgur

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