A Woman’s Heroic Act Saves a Drowning Cat, and His Gratitude Knows No Bounds

Zephyr almost didn’t get his happy ending, until a kind woman saved his life.

Now, he thanks his new mom with hugs and kisses every day.

Last year, Irene was out for a stroll in a local park when she noticed a man walking towards the river. The man appeared to be holding something in his hands, and when she got closer, she wasn’t prepared for what she saw.

“He had a newborn kitten in his hands, and I realized I needed to act quickly,” Irene told The Dodo. “I managed to push the man seconds before he would’ve thrown a kitty into the river.”

Irene didn’t expect to rescue a kitten that day, but that’s exactly what happened. The small cat was cold and shivering, but alive. To show his gratitude, Zephyr — the name Irene gave the kitten — has been licking her face as often as possible.

“He didn’t want to let go of me,” Irene said. “He does it almost every day and either rubs against my face or starts to lick it up.”

Saved a kitten from drowning, since then he licks me non-stop and generally thinks I’m his mom ? from cats

Irene adopted Zephyr as a newborn kitten and introduced him to her senior cat at home. A year later, the two cats are still inseparable.

“The old cat treats the kitten like his own son,” Irene said. “They both are so adorable, hugging and licking each other.”

The once-upon-a-time stray now has a second chance at life, and he’s taking full advantage of it.

“[Zephyr] constantly needs attention, loves when I chase him, or when he chases the [senior] cat,” Irene said. “His favorite game is when I throw a toy mouse and he brings it back to me. He can run for the mouse all evening and not get tired.

Despite the circumstances, this special connection was meant to be.

“He changed my life,” Irene said. “He’s my personal little sunshine with his endless energy. It’s like having a little child … it teaches you a lot.”

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