A woman moving into a new home unexpectedly becomes the chosen companion of a cat left behind by the previous owners, forging an unforeseen connection of companionship.

There are so many things about cats that make us fall in love with them easily. However, just as how they easily win over our hearts, that’s how hard it is for us win over theirs. This describes the experience of Stephanie Perfect with a cat she continually wooed for years before the cat, whom she later named Buddy, finally gave her 100% of his trust.It all started when Stephanie moved in a new neighborhood and she found a cat right across the the street, peeking through the trees.When she asked her neighbors about him, she was told the poor cat had been left behind by his previous owners about four years before.When Stephanie began feeding him, he started to come back. Buddy was first very timid and scared, he would never draw near the food unless Stephanie was out of sight. They went on with this kind of relationship for a year and gladly, they kept making progress day after day.A very special moment came when one morning Buddy showed up on her porch, looking right at her. That was the day Buddy finally let Stephanie pet him, “I slowly bent down, and gently started to pet his head, then his ears. He rolled over onto his back and let me rub his belly. From that day forward, he was my Buddy” Stephanie told Love Meow.Just last year, Buddy committed to becoming a full-time indoor cat, “Eventually, he started coming inside and sleeping in the house on cold or stormy nights. He slowly got more and more used to being indoors. He has become a totally 100% indoor kitty. He lives like a King now.”

The photos below show how Buddy switched his attitude from timid and scared, to such a fun, playful and loving kitty who chose his new forever home after a long time. If you are interested, don’t forget to check out his adventures on Facebook.

Meet Buddy, the stray cat that was looking for a new home in the same neighborhood Stephanie Perfect just moved to.“I asked the neighbors about him, and I was told he had been left behind by his previous owners about four years before I moved in” Stephanie told Love Meow.

The neighbors would give him food every once in a while, and when Stephanie began feeding him, he kept coming back. Buddy was first very timid and he would never draw near the food unless Stephanie would go back in the house. They had this kind of relationship for a year and gladly, they kept making progress as time goes by.

Soon, Buddy started to recognize Stephanie’s voice and he would draw closer to the porch every time he needed to be fed.

A very special moment came one morning when Buddy appeared on the porch, very close to her, and looking straight at her. That was the day he let Stephanie pet him.

When their bond grew a bit stronger, Stephanie took him to the vet and found out that he was positive for FIV. However, this shouldn’t alarm anyone, because as long as Buddy gets ample love and care, he should be able to live a longer and happier life.

“The very first time he let me hold him in my arms, he melted into me and started purring” Stephanie said.

Just last year, Buddy finally committed to becoming a full-time indoor cat.
Six years have passed since they started living together, and it’s still not clear who adopted who. This is just how you get a cat after all.

Source: justsomething.co

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