A woman adopted a 26-year-old cat from a shelter to provide him a loving and comfortable home to spend his old age

26-year-old cat Thomas is old even for a long-lived cat. He spent his whole life with one owner, also a pensioner, but he became very ill and could no longer take care of his cat. So Thomas ended up in an orphanage.

For an old cat, getting into a shelter almost always means that he will die there in the shelter. After all, everyone wants to take a younger cat, and preferably even a kitten. But Thomas was very lucky. Volunteers of the Baltimore shelter decided to work together to help Thomas spend his old age with dignity at home, and not in a shelter cage.

Thomas’ health is not the best. He has dental problems, arthritis, hair loss and a diseased liver. Nevertheless, Thomas is still full of life and very affectionate with people. All he wants is a good attitude and treats.

In order to help Thomas find a new owner who is not afraid to adopt an elderly cat, many announcements have been posted, including on social networks. And very soon Laura Cassidy from the Animal Allies Rescue Foundation, which is located in the same Baltimore, responded to them.

“When I saw this wonderful 26-year-old old man, I realized that he would go to my house,” the woman said.

“We’ve never met such an old cat before,” says Amy McGuirk from the Baltimore shelter, “But this 26-year-old cat is almost as active as a 10-year-old. And he is very friendly and affectionate.”

And now Thomas is already at Laura Cassidy’s house. At first he was a little shy, but then he quickly mastered even the toilet in a new place. He also got along well with other pets living with Laura.

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