A stray cat wandering on the street was picked up and immediately taken for emergency treatment because both of her ears suffered from tissue necrosis. Instead of fluffy pink tips, Pinna’s head ended in charred black rags

At first glance, and even from afar, it seems that this cat looks like a funny mouse or a teddy bear…

White cats are in danger! Pinna basked in the sun, not knowing what to run...

However, if you learn the story of Pinna, you will understand that not everything in her life is so cloudless …

The story of a girl who loved to sunbathe

A seven-year-old stray cat was picked up on the street and immediately sent for urgent treatment. The fact is that both of her ears suffered from tissue necrosis – instead of fluffy pink tips, Pinna’s head ended in charred black rags.

White cats are in danger! Pinna was basking in the sun, not knowing what to run... pic 2

The sad cat was unsociable, she hissed and scratched the rescuers – but all this was not because of her bad temper, but because of the severe pain that had haunted the cat for many months.

White cats are in danger! Pinna was basking in the sun, not knowing what to run... pic 3

After examining the patient, the veterinarians came to the conclusion that the cause of Pinna’s illness was … sunlight! It was the consequences of sunburn that gradually turned into progressive cancer – so much so that part of one of the poor thing’s ears literally hung by a thread.

Oh, if Pinna knew about this earlier – she would run into the shadows with all her paws!

White cats are in danger! Pinna was basking in the sun, not knowing what to run... pic 4

cat cancer

It took Bradford Cat Watch Rescue Kittens doctors a full 4 hours to operate and remove all the affected tissue affected by squamous cell carcinoma. Such surgery with subsequent treatment cost the organization £900 (about 75.5 thousand rubles!). Now, after a ten-day recovery, the cat needs special protection – her ears must be constantly lubricated with factor 50 sunscreen .

White cats are in danger! Pinna was basking in the sun, not knowing what to run... pic 5

Volunteers really hope that there will be a person who will take custody of Pinna. Indeed, now, instead of an eternally hissing sick cat, a kind, soft and affectionate pet runs in front of them, which extremely loves to cuddle and spend time in people’s arms!

“Ideally, she should be a house cat that doesn’t go outside the house or apartment, ” says Cathy, Pinna’s guardian. “ But even if she goes outside, her ears should not be exposed to direct sunlight. She prefers to rest in the shade and be under the constant protection of a special cream!”

White cats are in danger! Pinna was basking in the sun, not knowing what to run... pic 6

Well, we are sure that this long-suffering cat will eventually find the most loving heart!

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