A selfless homeless man nourishes stray cats, prioritizing their well-being above his own, demonstrating the immense capacity for kindness and empathy.

Despite living a tough life at train station, this homeless man Loong Dum from Thailand always makes sure that his friends, stray cats, are cared for and well fed. He may not have any children, but he knows the responsibility of care.

He sells limes every day on the street so that he can make money to buy food for his companions. Sometimes, he doesn’t have enough food for himself and he is hungry, but not matter what, his first priority is always to feed his beloved cats. To him, they are his family, and they rely on him. “I’m fine with skipping meals, but the cat needs to eat,” he said.

The story of Loong Dum has viral after a young woman named Warunya Wattanasupachoke, saw him selling limes with a sign saying, “20 baht per bag, profits will pay for stray cat’s food expenses.”

Animal lovers admire his kindness and offer to help him when his story made round on social media. Some of them came to buy limes from him while others gave him cat food and supplies.

After that, some people even took him to get haircut and gave him brand-new clothes. After he got his makeover, he went back to the street to sell limes because his life meaningless without his beloved cats.

“We shouldn’t judge someone based on their appearance,” Warunya said. “Take Loong Dum for example. Though he is homeless and rugged-looking, he has a big heart.”

Loong Dum has inspired many people around the world to show love, compassion, and a helping hand to those in need – be it humans or stray animals. Please share this story with everyone to reminder that humanity comes in many different forms!

 Source: web.revistajavore.com

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