A purring cat finding a peaceful home for her kittens shows the love animals have for their offspring.

A cat purred non-stop when she found a quiet home for her kittens, and a better life for them all.

A feline family of five were brought into Oregon Friends Of Shelter Animals for a chance at a better life. They came from a less-than-ideal situation, and the cat mama was eager for a safe and quiet place for her precious four.

“Magnolia (the cat) arrived at the shelter when her kittens were around four weeks old. They were scared and cautious when they first came to my home, since everything was so unfamiliar and new to them,” Angela, a foster volunteer of the shelter, shared with Love Meow.

They used to live in a house where banging noises were constant. With a quiet, calming environment, Magnolia could finally relax and her affectionate and trusting self quickly emerged.

Soon after she toured around her new digs, she switched on her purr motor, sauntered her way to her foster mom and decided to cuddle. She rubbed her face against Angela before settling comfortably on her lap. She became a little chatterbox and filled the room with her adorable coos and purrs.

“She began to trust me and became a complete cuddle-bug,” Angela told Love Meow.

The kittens (Acacia, Maple, Aspen, Hazel) slowly came out of their shells as they watched their mom blossom with confidence. Once they realized they didn’t have to hide any more, they were on the move, scampering around the room, pouncing on each other and wrestling about.

The fluffy quartet came running when their mom called to them at feeding time. They lined up perfectly on her belly and nursed up a storm before falling into a deep slumber in a big cuddle puddle.

Magnolia imparted feline knowledge and etiquette to her younglings and taught them how to rev up their purr engines. As the kittens grew bigger, she began to ease up on the mommy duties, and take more breaks away from the rambunctious four to hang out with her people.

“She was a very sweet mama to her babies, but at times, you could see that she was very ready for a home without her kittens,” Angela shared with Love Meow.

“Her favorite thing is to be with people, and she would cuddle 24/7 if she could. Magnolia is a lap cat and will seek you out for pets. She loves to purr, make biscuits with her paws and talk to you in chirps and trills. She was always there to greet me at the door and follow me around the foster room.”

While the kittens kept their mom on her toes with their antics, Magnolia was so thankful to have a warm lap to snuggle in, and she soaked up all the love surrounding her.

“Despite what she went through previously, she is still so incredibly affectionate.”

“She is a very social and friendly kitty and all she wants is to love and be loved on. Whenever I sat down, Magnolia was almost always instantly in my lap and purring.”

After a few weeks in foster care, the family of five were ready to embark on a new chapter for their forever homes.

Magnolia thrived on being the center of attention and it didn’t take long for her dream to come true.

Two days ago, she went off to her new home with a family that adores her to bits. All of her kittens have also been adopted. “Their lives will only get better from here on.”

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Source: lovemeow.com

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