A One-eyed shelter cat warms hearts across the internet and finds his forever home, proving that beauty is more than meets the eye.

All pets deserve a loving forever home, even the ones who look a little different. Animals with physical differences or disabilities sometimes have a hard time getting adopted.

But thankfully, one beautiful cat who has just one eye has found a perfect forever home.

On February 23, the Fairfield Area Humane Society, in Lancaster, Ohio, shared a post about one of their cats who was looking for a forever home: a 2-year-old shelter cat named Eggbert.

They described the cat as a “head-turner,” because of his striking, unique appearance: he was born missing one eye and one nostril.

But Eggbert hasn’t let anything slow him down: he looks like one very happy cat, and has a gorgeous smile in one of the photos.

“Aside from snoring like a chainsaw, it doesn’t slow him down a bit!” the Fairfield Area Humane Society wrote on Facebook. “He is a total lovebug and gets along well with other cats, dogs, and kids.”

“He loves to give headbutts, have his chin scratched, and follow you around like a baby duck.”

But while Eggbert doesn’t let his disabilities bother him, it complicated finding him a home. The post says that he had a previous family who noticed he had “occasional seizures.”

While no cause has yet been diagnosed, the Humane Society said anyone interested in adopting Eggbert should be prepared to provide him medical treatments in the future.

While that can be a hard sell — not every potential adopter wants to take in a different-looking cat with potential medical issues — Eggbert’s beautiful smile charmed the internet and his story went viral, being shared over 100 times and picked up by many media outlets.

Despite all the odds against him, it didn’t take long for Eggbert to find a home.

In an update from February 26, the FAHS announced that Eggbert had officially been adopted, and shared a photo of the unique cat with his new family.

“His new family has another FAHS alumni kitty at home, so we know Eggy is in the best hands,” the shelter wrote.

“He couldn’t have found a better home! He is going to be loved and spoiled rotten. Thank you for choosing adoption again.”

What a happy ending for this beautiful cat. We’re so glad Eggbert has a loving new home who will give him the best of care.

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