A lonesome truck driver and a stray cat form an unbreakable bond, becoming inseparable partners on their journey.

Paul Robertson has been working as a long-distance truck driver for years now. Although he loves his job, it can get lonesome driving the truck on the road, especially when he’s alone.

Luckily, Paul had his adopted feline companion, Howie, who accompanies him on his trips. They were road buddies for years until Howie passed away in 2017.

Devastated by grief over the loss of his cat, Paul kept his eyes open for a new furry friend to keep him company. He visited an animal rescue, where staff introduced him to a ginger cat named Percy.

Once Paul saw his scars, torn ear, and missing tooth, he immediately knew that he would make the perfect companion.

Percy hadn’t had an easy life. He’d been living on the streets before he was rescued. Although Percy had a rough history, the cat remained sweet and loving. He immediately bonded with Paul, and the latter adopted him officially.

Eventually, Percy became his constant co-pilot on his long-haul trips. Riding shotgun on a platform that Paul designed so he could look out the window, Percy enjoyed every minute he spent on the road with his new dad.

“He’s very affectionate and loves to crawl on my lap, up my chest, and then rub cheeks with me,” Paul wrote on Facebook.

“He loves to play. He purrs a lot. And of course, he’s a cat: he loves to eat and he loves to snooze.”

Paul, who’s also a photographer, loved taking snaps of Percy and often shared them on his Facebook. Because of his adorable pictures, the cat gained a significant following on the platform.

In February 2017, Paul had one of the worst scares of his life while they were at a truck stop in Ohio. When he woke up in the morning, the passenger window was down, and Percy was nowhere to be found.

This had happened before, usually when there was a bird outside. This time, however, Percy didn’t come out even when he called out to him and scoured the area near the rest stop. Worse, the weather report that day said that a storm was coming.

Losing all hope, Paul took to Facebook to announce that Percy was missing. Many people offered to help him search for his missing cat. Unfortunately, Paul couldn’t afford to wait for his return.

“I’m a commercial truck driver … and I’ve signed on a dotted line saying I will have it delivered by such and such a time. I don’t have the choice to stay if I want to,” he said.

Paul drove away with a heavy heart, feeling like he had abandoned his child. He had made two deliveries and driven 400 miles when a miracle happened.

He turned around, and there he saw an oil-covered stray cat coming out from under his truck – it was Percy!

The cat looked hungry and tired, but he was okay. After that incident, Paul made sure to keep a close eye on him. Now, the duo has been together for three years, and the bond they have is stronger than ever.

“The other day I caught myself laughing at one of his antics and I thought: ‘It’s nice to live alone sometimes ’cause you can have everything your own way – but I wouldn’t be laughing like this if I were alone.’ Percy is good for my spirit and soul,” Paul said.

What a lovely friendship! We’re so glad that Paul and Percy found their way into each other’s lives. Indeed, having a partner makes everything better.

Source: lovemeowbark.com

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