A Kitten Came Out of a Ditch and Found His Way into a Woman’s Heart – Lillise

Paige, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, went to work one day, unaware that she would return home holding a little ball of fur wrapped up in her arms.

Paige told Love Meow, “I work in an office that is very pet friendly; people frequently bring strays in to find a home rather than bringing them to a shelter.” “My coworker claims she walked outside to get her mail and saw nothing until five minutes later when she heard a cat wailing for attention.”

A stray tabby was happy to be found after crawling out of a ditch near the yard. The kitten was without a home, and the coworker couldn’t leave him alone, so she brought him to work with her.

Everyone in the office was immediately swooned by the tabby, and numerous people offered to assist. Paige told Love Meow, “I had a vet appointment for my (resident) cat later that week, so I offered to ‘babysit’ him until then to get him checked out.”

“He fell asleep on my chest while I was working, and they all agreed he selected us because of how cuddly he was with me.”

Paige gave the cat the name Hamlet and accepted him into her family. The kitten quickly became used to his surroundings, and after a week of weaning, he began to consume solid food like a big cat.
“He’s always been very touch or pet oriented, and he won’t leave you alone once he warms up to you. He behaves like a dog in most ways: he comes when I call his name, he meets me at the door, and he has no qualms about playing in the rain “Love Meow was informed by Paige.

Paige’s other resident cat, Lady Catherine, was first wary of the boisterous newcomer, but Hamlet was determined to win her over. He’d attempt to get her to play and tag along with her about the home, just like her annoying little brother.

At home, Hamlet soon took the position of office assistant. When his mother was at the computer, he began to keep an eye on her and would jump onto the desk or sit on her lap to give feline advice.

When his mother takes a shower, the tabby makes sure she is safe and sound. “Every day in the shower, he stands and watches me. He observes through the translucent curtain from the ledge between the two curtains “Paige remarked.

Hamlet’s fluff expanded as he grew older, and his personality emerged.

Since that tragic day, the tabby cat has returned to the office a few times to visit, and whenever he does, he meets those around him and offers his help. The stray has grown into a fluffy, chonky, and beautiful guy.

He likes going on walks with his human mother and telling her about his adventures. “If I don’t take him on walks, he’ll beg at the door,” Paige said.

Hamlet had been looking for Paige at the office for three years. He continues to be her most devoted buddy and follows her around the home.

Please tell your friends about this article. On Instagram, you can follow Hamlet and his exploits.

Kitten Discovered in Backyard with Siblings, Grews Unique Coat, Determined to Survive.

Source: paws-daily.com

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