A cat unexpectedly bonded with a man, becoming his new “dad.” It showcases the special connection between humans and animals, bringing joy and companionship into our lives.

As he walked to his car one evening, a small ginger cat that was all alone took an immediate liking to Imgur user PW.

The tiny kitty rushed across to him, according to PW, as if she was greeting a long-lost buddy.

He realized he couldn’t leave her out in the cold, so he picked her up and drove her home.

He made a comfortable box for his cuddly new companion in the garage, thinking it would suffice for the first night because he didn’t know her background and planned to take her to the vet’s office or local animal shelter the next day.

Meanwhile, PW took photos of her and shared them on Facebook in the hopes of locating her owners.

He took the tiny ginger kitten to the local animal shelter the next day to see if she had been tagged.

She wasn’t, and a shelter employee said that she was most likely a stray, and the shelter was already overcrowded, so PW agreed to foster the kitten until she was old enough to be spayed.

She would be able to have a cheaper operation and vaccines this way.

PW contemplated giving the kitten the names Sunbeam or Biscuit, and planned to return her to the shelter in a few weeks.

She had gained almost 2 pounds and was now large enough for her surgery, after which PW would be able to legally adopt her, and he chose the name Biscuit!

So a fortuitous encounter in a car park one evening ended in the happiness of one guy and one kitty.

Source: petstv.net 

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