A cat finds his mini-me and decides to adopt him, raising him as his own and forming an unbreakable bond.

When Jesse Ryan brought Minnie the ginger kitten home, their grown up cat Evin decided that there was only one thing to do about this new arrival. He adopted him!

The two have been inseparable since the day that they met and Minnie follows Evin wherever he goes. He’s like a shadow. Only smaller. And ginger. But Evin doesn’t seem to mind. In fact, he seems to love having his own Mini-Me. And who wouldn’t?

“Evin & Minnie hit it off right away!” Jessica Ryan, their owner, told Bored Panda. “I think mainly because Minnie clung to Evin and gave him no other choice! They nonstop wrestle, play and snuggle. They also clean each other after meals. They’re best friends. We have another older grey (grouchy) cat named Tunie. They love to harass her, chase her and smack her butt when she walks by.”

Minnie is now half the size of Evin so he isn’t so Minnie anymore. In fact, soon he’ll be looking for his own Mini-Me! Better watch out Tunie…

When Minnie the kitten met Evin the cat, Evin was left with no choice…

…But to adopt him!

Minnie met Evin when the kitten was brought home by their owner one day

“The dairy farm my boyfriend works at has these orange/red cats that all look similar,” their owner Jessica Ryan told Bored Panda

One of the cats had a litter, and when her boyfriend saw Minnie, he knew he had to bring him back for Evin

“Evin and Minnie hit it off right away!” said Jessica

“I think mainly because Minnie clung to Evin, and gave him no other choice!”

Jessica thinks that Minnie felt attached to Evin because he looked familiar

Evin and Minnie look so similar that the kitten has become Evin’s very own Mini-Me!

“They nonstop wrestle, play, and snuggle”

“They also clean each other after meals. They’re best friends”

“We think Minnie came from Evin’s sister’s litter, which would make them uncle and nephew!”

“We have another older grey (grouchy) cat named Tunie. They love to harass her”

“They chase her and smack her butt when she walks by”

That would explain why Tunie is nowhere to be seen in these pictures!

Evin and Minnie are rarely seen away from each other

Whether eating or sleeping, the two are always together

“Evin and his Mini-Me are amazing. They bring so much joy to our house”

“We’ve been diligent to catch the other cats at the farm, and have them fixed, so that there’s no more litters”

Minnie isn’t quite so mini anymore. Soon he’ll be looking for his own Mini-Me!

Source: boredpanda.com

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