This cat is often referred to as a “werewolf”, and for good reason! The appearance of the pet really evokes just such associations. But in the soul it is a kind and gentle Purr…
Werewolf cat: harsh on the outside, but kind in the soul
The breed of cat, which we will talk about today, is called the face. The animal, which looks so much like some kind of vampire from an action-horror movie, appeared as a result of crossing a Sphynx and a short-haired American cat. It happened about twenty years ago in America in the state of Virginia. People who decided to cross animals of different breeds probably did not expect such an effect.
The kittens were expected to be born hairless and with a strong body, but gray fur was visible in places on their body. By the way, the owners thought that the kids would not live long, and they not only survived, but also surprised everyone with their excellent health.
Soon the breed was officially recognized as a lycoa. Now fantastic animals with a slender body, huge ears and yellow eyes can be bought for a tidy sum of money. In an adult pet, like in kittens, the hair on the body grows in bunches, and around the eyes, on the tips of the paws and on the nose it does not exist at all.
But the most interesting thing is that purrs, looking angry and angry, are actually very kind and gentle. They are dog-like devoted to their owners, and if suddenly the owner is in danger, the cat will bravely rush to his defense.
Lykoyam need special care. They get very cold, so they need warm clothes. Despite the small amount of wool, they shed quite a lot, so the owner of the animal will have to constantly clean all surfaces in the house from wool.
Now there are only a few dozen faces in the world! And if you want to buy this unique cat, be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay at least one hundred and sixty thousand rubles for it. It is quite possible that for this you will even have to go all the way to North America.
Would you like to have a werewolf cat?