What a cutie, animals are sentient beings, they pick up on emotions and needs. Cats are a comfort, and the nurse looks like he needs comforting on his break. ?care ? The human race has a lot to learn. ❤??❤
Everyone is aware of how demanding and difficult nursing is; sometimes, nurses feel too exh.austed but are unsure of whom to complain to.
Ahmed Flaty is a nursing student who is currently an intern at an Egyptian hospital. Despite his staggering workload, Flaty consistently performs his shifts with an admirable level of energy and dedication.
Even yet, he seldom ever had time to relax. Today’s break was interrupted when a creature appeared as he was seated and preparing to lean against the tree to rest with his friends and colleagues, that made his today’s break more special than ever!
A golden feral cat appeared out of nowhere, and the kitten decided to give up her break to make Flaty as comfortable as possible. The st.ray kitty approaches him, jumps up into his lap, curls up, and dozes off. However, the fact that the kitten trusted him so completely [sh.oc.ked] and moved Flaty, as st.ray animals in Egypt are sometimes handled [cr.uelly] and should thus be wary of humans.
However, this kitten is in need of affection and companionship, and perhaps she thinks Flaty can unwind a little bit too. Perhaps the cat did not anticipate that its accidental actions would brighten this weary nurse’s day!
She slept in Flaty’s lap for 20 minutes before getting up and leaving, but he watches her when she’s away and is incredibly appreciative of the peace and comfort she offered him.
And then one of the nurses adopted him. ❤️
It’s called unconditional love and seems only animals can show you what it is. ❤️?? Take that kitty home forever and love it like nothing else!
Hope that each of us will find such little but meaningful consolation in this life…!