Six months ago, Lacey, a mother from California, started bringing home kittens after her work friend encouraged her to try fostering.
“My sisters and I grew up around animals and have all been animal lovers. I wanted my kids to be around animals and missed having them around. My one cat at home seemed to be not enough,” Lacey told Love Meow.
On June 1st, she got her first litter of foster kittens through the Cat House On the Kings (in Parlier, California). The kitties were older and needed socialization.
“It was one of the best decisions I’d ever made!”
Her 2-year-old son, Sam, was very excited when he met the kittens. His eyes lit up. “We could tell at first he was figuring out that they were mini versions of our own (big, orange) cat. He would watch us very closely as we carefully held the kittens.”
The young boy surprised his mom with how gentle he was when he reached out one little finger to pet the kittens.
“He definitely wanted to help. To me, it’s just so beautiful how the love of animals is something innate within the heart of a child, but also how it needs to be nurtured and allowed to grow,” Lacey told Love Meow.
From that day on, fostering became a regular family activity that everyone in the household enjoys.
“Any time we get new babies Sam looks at them and says ‘Hi little boo boos, they are so cute, so precious”, then sticks his fingers in the carrier and tries to pet them. When they come up, he says, ‘They love me, they love me’.”
One of his favorite things to do is to cozy up with the kittens under a warm blanket. Watch this cute video:
“He’ll grab a blanket and a kitty and go sit in a chair. He also likes to give them cuddles in his shirt.”
Giving a little kitten lots of love and TLC.
“Sam is a great helper, he feeds the kittens, helps fill up the water, plays with the kittens and gives them lots of cuddles. We’re still working on helping with the litter box.”
The sweet boy has helped foster 17 kittens, and counting.
Sam loves fostering. Now when he sees kittens at the adoption center, he tells his mom that he wants to help them all.
These little feline babies have really captured his heart.
Lacey takes Sam to the Cat House on the Kings to spend time with the resident cats there.
“Sam loves helping these kitties, and wishes he could take them all home!”
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